2k13 - Version 0.36 - Last change on 01 September 2013 10:30:00
Revision as of 23:33, 1 June 2013 by Administrator (Talk | contribs)
- When and where is the BalCCon 2k13 going to happen?
- September 6th to 7th, 2013
- Novi Sad, Serbia, Earth, Milky Way (Karte)
Contents |
- 21000 Novi Sad
- Serbia
- Geo Coordinates
- N 45° 15'
- E 19° 51'
- Who is organizing this event?
- LUGoNS is one of the oldest hacker communities in Serbia and we have existed successfully for more then a decade and have spread our knowledge and international experience. LUGoNS is ready to prepare BalCCon as the first such event in the region. Organization team has scores of years of experience visiting, participating in and volunteering at hacker events of all sizes. This is our first attempt to organize such an event independently, with the help of friends from all around the world!
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Hardware hacking
- Electronics
- Panel Discussions
- Presentations
- Demonstrations
- Films
- Performances
- Art Installations
- Things-That-No-One-Has-Thought-Of
Call for Participation
- What are you looking for?
- We're looking for fresh content in the areas of information security, hardware hacking, biohacking, sustainability, maker culture, net politics and the intersection of technology and society in general.
- What will the audience be then?
- About 300 geeks from across Europe and even further across the globe.
- But do you think I'm good enough?
- We don't know yet, just submit already. We'll judge your submission entirely arbitrarily in the sense that if you have a track record of being a good speaker you're far less likely to be turned down than if you're a complete unknown. We want both you and the audience to have a good time.
- Will my submission be turned down for being too technical?
- That is the least likely reason for turning down a submission. We want to stay true to our roots.
- I have a question that is not answered here. Where can I take it?
- You can reach the orga team at orga-at-balccon-dot-org.
Tickets, Pricing, Ticket Sale
- Questions about Tickets, Pricing and Ticket Sale
- see Tickets
- More information about tickets are comming soon.
- VOLUNTEERS BalCCon is highly self-organized and dependent on volunteers , we need your help. First and foremost, we need eager volunteers to help on-site with the intricate details of organizing a conference for hundreds of people. Please register as a volunteer as soon as we have the registration online.
Accommodation and Travel
- Questions on where to stay
- see Accomodation
- Questions on how to get there
- see Travel_map