2k13 - Version 0.36 - Last change on 01 September 2013 10:30:00
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/*Main Line Not Just Link Margin - From left Side*/ ul#nav{ margin:3; padding:2; list-style-type:none; border:none; background:#fff; padding:.5em; width:auto; } /*Drop Menu Line Colors that "flash" to load Menu*/ ul#nav li ul{ background:#fff; margin:0; padding:5; width:auto; } ul#nav li{ position:relative; margin:5; width:auto; padding:5; list-style-type:none; background:333; color:#333; line-height:150%; } /*Main Link Font Color and "loading border" set to fff for invisibility*/ ul#nav a{ border:1px solid #fff; color:#333; text-decoration:none; display:block; } /*Mouse over option text color*/ ul#nav a:hover{ border:1px inset #333; background:#333; color:#333; } /*Color of Text option drop down without mouse on them.*/ ul#nav li li a{ padding-left:1em; color:#006AFF; text-decoration:none; display:block; } ul#nav li li a:hover{ background:#cef; } /* DDM relative dropdown example */ .hiddenChild{ position: absolute; left: -999em; } .shownChild{ left:-1px; } p{ clear:both;float:none; } /*Parent initial border information white fff set to hide "optional options area"*/ ul#nav.dhtml{ list-style-image: none; display: block; position:relative; width:auto; border:2px solid #fff; background:#333 margin:2; padding:2; list-style-type:none; height:1.5em; } /*WIDTH IS TOP OPTION WIDTH. (OPTION WIDTH - 1)*/ ul#nav.dhtml li{ position:relative; float:left; width:9em; border-right:1px solid #333; border-top:1px solid #333; border-left:1px solid #333; border-bottom:1px solid #333; } /*Initial background color of options with mouse hovered over main link*/ ul#nav.dhtml ul{ list-style-image: none; display: block; top:1.5em; position:absolute; border-top:1px solid #333; border-right:1px solid #333; border-left:1px solid #333; background:#333; width:auto; z-index:10; } ul#nav.dhtml li a,ul#nav.dhtml li a:hover{ border:none; background:#333; } ul#nav.dhtml li a{ padding:0 .5em; background:#333; } /*Options background color when main category is highlighted with mouse and options not selected WIDTH IS OPTIONS WIDTH*/ ul#nav.dhtml ul li{ border:none; width:9em; background:#fff; } /*No Mouse On Main Link Background*/ ul#nav.dhtml li.isParent{ background:#cef; } /*Yes Mouse On Main Link Background*/ ul#nav.dhtml li.isActive{ background:#fff; } ul#nav.dhtml li.isActive a{ background:cef; } ul#nav.dhtml li.isActive ul a{ padding:0 .5em; } ul#nav.dhtml a:hover{ background:#333; } ul#nav.dhtml li.isParent a:hover{ background:#333; } ul#nav.dhtml li.isActive ul a:hover{ background:#333; }